Montgomery Chapter celebrating New Year's Day Gongyo 2005

Soka Gakkai International-USA (SGI-USA) is an American Buddhist organization. Soka Gakkai literally means "value creation society"; its purpose is to foster the values of peace, culture, and education based upon the philosophy of the Nichiren school of Mahayana Buddhism. SGI-USA promotes respect and appreciation for all people, and its membership is drawn from a broad range of ethnic and social backgrounds.

The basic principles of the Soka Gakkai Charter are:

  • to promote an understanding of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism,
  • to contribute to peace, culture and education within society,
  • to safeguard fundamental human rights and eliminate discrimination,
  • to respect and protect freedom of religion and religious expression,
  • to work together with other religions to resolve issues affecting humanity,
  • to respect cultural diversity and promote cultural exchange, and
  • to encourage the protection of nature and the environment.

National headquarters is located in Santa Monica, California. There are some 71 community centers throughout the United States, with the closest center to Montgomery being in Atlanta, Georgia.

Consisting of approximately 40 members, including whites, African Americans and Asians from all walks of life, the Montgomery Chapter is perhaps the most diverse group you will find in Montgomery, Alabama.

Thanks for visiting the SGI-USA - Montgomery, Alabama Chapter Web site!  If you have comments, you can send an E-mail to   You can also call the Montgomery Chapter of SGI-USA at 334-271-4SGI (271-4744).